Open the VS Code Integrated Terminal

Rather than bounce back-and-forth between VS Code and your Terminal or PowerShell app, you can use the VS Code integrated terminal to make things easier.

In this exercise, you will…

  • Use the VS Code command pallete to execute View: Toggle Panel
  • Test the VS Code integrated terminal by using a simple shell command

Use the VS Code command pallete to execute View: Toggle Panel

Inside VS Code, Press COMMAND+SHIFT+P (or CTRL+SHIFT+P on Windows) to open the VS Code command pallette, then…

  1. Type the word panel into the search box next to the > character.
  2. Find the View: Toggle Panel item and click it.

Test the VS Code integrated terminal by using a simple shell command

Execute this command inside the VS Code integrated terminal:

ls -l

Follow these instructions when executing the above command:

  1. Click on the TERMINAL tab in the VS Code developer panel.
  2. Inside of the terminal window, type the ls -l command and hit ENTER.
  3. The output of the command should look very similar to what you saw previously when you ran the ls -l command in your system’s terminal application window.
