Connect the CLI to Your Developer Hub

In this exercise, you will…

  • Open your system’s terminal/shell program (the “command line”)
  • Make sure the Salesforce CLI is installed
  • Authenticate the CLI to your Developer Hub

Open your system’s terminal/shell program (the “command line”)

In order to use the Salesforce CLI, you need to get to a “command line” on your local machine.

  • MacOS users should use the Terminal app (or something similar like iTerm)
  • Windows users should use PowerShell if possible, though the Commannd Prompt (cmd.exe) will also work

Make sure the Salesforce CLI is installed

NOTE: As of May 29, 2019, the sfdx force --version command has been removed from the CLI. To complete this step, please use sfdx plugins --core to ensure that your CLI is installed correctly.

Let’s start with a simple command that will help make sure that the Salesforce CLI is installed and running OK on your machine.

Execute this command:

sfdx force --version

After executing the above, your terminal should look something like this:

Authenticate the CLI to your Developer Hub

The Salesforce CLI can’t do anything interesting until you’ve connected it to your Developer Hub. To do that you’ll use the force:auth:web:login command.

Execute this command:

sfdx force:auth:web:login -d -a DevHub
Salesforce DX Command / Flags Description
force:auth:web:login Authorizes a Salesforce org by opening a browser so you can log in through
-d (--setdefaultdevhubusername) Sets the authenticated org as the default Dev Hub org for scratch org creation.
-a (--setalias) Sets an alias for the authenticated org.

Your web browser will open automatically. When prompted…

  1. Enter the username and password for your Developer Hub org
  2. Click the “Log In” button to continue

After logging in, you’ll be asked to allow the Salesforce CLI Connected App to access your org…

  1. Review the capabilities needed by the Salesforce CLI to create scratch orgs on your behalf
  2. Click the “Allow” button to continue

After authorizing the Salesforce CLI Connected App, your terminal should look something like this:
