
Last updated: September 08, 2018


Before installing the SFDX-Falcon Plugin, your Salesforce, GitHub, and Local development environments must meet the following prerequisites.

Salesforce Environment Prerequisites

Access to a Developer Hub

Salesforce DX features like scratch orgs require that you and your development team have access to a Developer Hub, or “Dev Hub”. For detailed instructions, see “Enable Dev Hub in Your Org”.


Salesforce Partner or Customer? You’ve already got a Dev Hub!

Salesforce Partners have a Dev Hub in their Partner Business Org (PBO).
Salesforce Customers have a Dev Hub in their Production Org.

Create Salesforce DX Users

If you are part of a team, you will want to grant your Developers, QA Engineers, Product Managers, and Solution Engineers access to your Developer Hub. For detailed instructions, see “Add Salesforce DX Users”.

Access to a Packaging Org

Optional. If you plan on working with managed packages using the AppExchange Package Kit (APK), you will need access to a packaging org. For detailed instructions, see “Overview of Salesforce Packages”.


You can skip this step if you’re only planning to use the AppExchange Demo Kit (ADK)

Setting up a Packaging Org is only required if you plan on building AppExchange Package Kit (APK) projects.

Git / GitHub Environment Prerequisites

Create a GitHub Account

A GitHub account is required for publication / sharing of AppExchange Demo Kit (ADK) projects. For detailed instructions on setting up a free account, see “Join GitHub”.


APK projects can be used with other Git-based repository hosts (eg. BitBucket).

Install and Configure Git

Once you have a GitHub account (or an account from another Git Host if using the AppExchange Package Kit), you will need to install and configure Git on your local machine. For detailed instructions, see “Set up Git”.

Create a Repository

Salesforce DX uses source-driven development model. This means that your projects will be centered around a repository instead of an org.

Setting up an empty, remote repository is an important first step when creating both AppExchange Demo Kit (ADK) and AppExchange Package Kit (APK) projects. For detailed instructions, see “Creating a new Repository”

Invite Collaborators

Optional. If you plan on developing with a team, you will want to add collaborators to your GitHub repository. The way to do this depends on whether you’re working with a Personal or Organization repository.

Local Environment

OS, Developer Toolset, IDE and VCS

Before installing the Salesforce CLI, make sure that your local environment meets the Salesforce DX System Requirements.

Install the Salesforce CLI

The Salesforce CLI is the engine behind everything you do with Salesforce DX. For detailed installation instructions, see “Install the Salesforce CLI”.